Distance Healing $100
What is a Distance Healing and What to Expect
Distance Healings are sessions where you do NOT need to be in the same room as the practitioner.
These include Reiki Healing and Crystal Healing.
The sessions are what I call "Intuitive"; A style I describe as Listening to what your body needs. Sessions can be 60-75 minutes in duration depending on the read I get from your energy. This allows for a detailed and intricate session personalized just for you.
In Your Home Space
What to expect during a distance healing.
First, there will be a full detailed consultation discussing what service you are interested in. Then your personalized session will be explained in full detail so you know what to expect. The practitioner will go over any additional information and questions for you to follow during the session. The appointment Time and Date will be set during the consultation as well as additional details for what you need to do before your session. These details will help guide you and connect you with the practitioner and their healing room during the session as well as give you information for After the session.
You should make sure when it is time for your session, that You are prepared. Following the details(that will then be sent via text or email) your practitioner has laid out for you will help you connect to your session. You should make sure you have ample time to get ready, receive, and return from your journey. You will feel quite altered, so make sure that you either set an appointment up for a later night or you have the time to get back into reality and grounded to continue your day.
Set up space in your house that will be your Sacred Space. This space should be quiet, calm, comfortable, and no distractions. Make sure you are comfortable enough to "let go of your mind" but not so comfortable that you would fall asleep. My suggestion is a straight back chair, feet firm on the floor. Make sure the phone ringer is off. Make sure people and animals living in the house will not come and disturb you.
Light a candle, some incense, or essential oil that pleases your senses, or nothing at all if that pleases you too. Put a blanket around your legs, and get an eye covering so you don't have the temptation to look around. Play some relaxing music, preferably something that has no lyrics. It does not have to be massage style music, just something that is only instrumental and calming for you. The practitioner can give ideas or music if needed. Spotify or YouTube also has some great calming music.
You may want to journal your experience, if so, set a pad of paper and pen next to you.
The practitioner will call or text before the appointment to make sure you are ready and to go over any remaining details. Then your session will begin. Relax your mind and allow the energy to cleanse and shower you with this healing process. Allow your imagination to take you away while you soak up the energy. Feel, sense, and see whatever it is that your mind designs for you. Don't overthink the process. Just let go.
Once the session is completed, the practitioner will call or text to inform you that you have been returned to your space and grounded into your body and any additional details or information.
If you would like to talk about the session, this will also be the time for you to feel free to ask any questions or say anything about your session that you would like to share. If you want to talk on a later date, this is the time to say that because sometimes people get altered and they need to digest mentally the experience. If you do not wish to share at all, this is also the free space to express those feelings. Sometimes you don't want to share the experience you had, and that is OK.
During the final call or text, the practitioner will go over the After session details that will help you release from your session.