Lady Scarlett’s Healing
Massage, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Sound Therapy, Chakra Balancing

Specialty Massage Techniques

Gua Sha 

$190 60 minute 

$250 90 minute 

Generally speaking, you should avoid gua sha if:

You have diabetes.

You have issues with circulation.

You take blood thinners (medicine for blood clots)

You're pregnant or think you may be.

Gua sha is a traditional Chinese medicine practice in which a tool is used to scrape people's skin in order to produce light petechiae. Practitioners believe that gua sha releases unhealthy bodily matter from blood stasis within sore, tired, stiff, or injured muscle areas to stimulate new oxygenated blood flow to the areas, thus promoting metabolic cell repair, regeneration, healing, and recovery. Gua sha aims to move energy, known as qi or chi, around the body and may help to break down scar tissue and connective tissue, improving movement in the joints. Studies show that when done correctly, gua sha can release chemicals that improve blood flow, lessen toxins, reduce pain, and promote healing in the 


Cranial Sacral

$165 45 minute 

$190 60 minute 


People with the following health ailments or disorders should not get craniosacral therapy: Blood clots. Concussion or other traumatic brain injuries. Brain swelling.

Cranial Sacral therapy is characterized by its gentle touch, which involves client fully clothed and lying on their back and applying light hand pressure to specific areas of the body, including the skull, spine, and pelvis. Practitioners use their hands to detect subtle movements and rhythms within the craniosacral system. This is a very gentle technique that is focused on the central nervous system, rather than soft tissue throughout the body. The technique manipulates the cerebrospinal fluid to suspend rhythmic impulses and relax the CNS. Also can help release emotional distress and help PTSD or other traumas.


$190 60 minute 

Although acupressure is not age-restrictive, people with high blood pressure, people with diabetes, thin skin, open wounds, bleeding disorders, poor circulation, or pregnant women should refrain from acupressure therapy. There are specific acupressure points that can cause labor or miscarriage,

A therapy in which finger pressure is applied to specific bodily points along acupuncture meridians. Modality can aid in many dysfunctions of the body including physical, mental, and emotional pain. Client is fully clothed lying on their back. 


$165 45 minute

$190 60 minute 

You shouldn't have reflexology if you're recovering from an injured foot, have gout, blood clots, foot fractures, unhealed wounds, circulatory problems, thyroid issues, athlete's foot, epileps, or women who are pregnant. It may affect blood flow. 

Alternative treatment involving application of pressure to the feet with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques. It is based on a system of zones and reflexes. The premise is that such work effects a physical change to the body.


$190 60 minute 

$250 90 minute 


Contraindications: Individuals with certain health conditions, such as infectious skin diseases, open wounds, recent surgeries, varicose veins, bone fractures, recent scars, and areas of inflammation.


Shiatsu practitioners believe this deep finger manipulation can help with pain relief, stress reduction, improve circulation, and boosting immune system. Helps aid in gastrointestinal tract, menstrual and menopausal problems, chronic pain, migraine, arthritis, anxiety, depression, muscular tension, relaxation, insomnia and improved sleep.
Performed on a soft surface on the floor or massage table, client fully clothed. Shiatsu massage may benefit people who want to address specific health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes because it helps relax tight muscles in the neck and shoulders.




$190 60 minute 

$250 90 minute 

Individuals who are uncomfortable lying in a dim room with a practitioner standing over them should not participate in Reiki treatment. For some individuals, this may lead to anxiety or panic attacks.

Reiki has no contraindications; it is regarded as a completely safe and gentle practice. Reiki sessions are natural and holistic; there is no physical manipulation, nothing is ingested and nothing is applied to the skin. You are in complete control of the sessions; deciding if and where you want to be touched.

What Is Reiki

The word "Reiki" means "Universal Energy."  It comes from the Japanese words "rei" (universal) and "ki" (life energy).

Reiki is a type of energy healing.                                                          
Each session is specially designed for individual. This can be for general relaxation or to help open the channel to send energy to a specific need. 

What happens in a Reiki session?

Reiki is held in a peaceful setting. The client will sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a table, fully clothed. There is music and a relaxing atmosphere.

The practitioner places their hands lightly on or over specific areas of the head, limbs, and torso using different hand shapes, for 5 or more minutes. The hands can be placed over 20 different areas of the body.

While the practitioner holds their hands lightly on or over the body, the transfer of energy takes place. During this time, the practitioner's hands may be warm and tingling or cold and clammy. Each hand position is held until the practitioner senses that the energy has stopped flowing.

When the practitioner feels that the heat, or energy, in their hands has abated, they will remove their hands and may place them over a different area of the body.

Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Improving the flow of energy around the body, can enable relaxation, reduce pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.

Reiki aids in relaxation, assist in the body's natural healing processes, and develop emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

It is also helps induce deep relaxation, help people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall wellbeing.

Energy healing targets the energy fields around the body.

Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or possibly emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness.

Individuals report different experiences. Some say that the practitioner's hands become hot, others report cooling hands and some people feel pulsating waves.

The most common reports are of a release of stress and deep relaxation.

The techniques involved have names such as:




extracting harmful energies


smoothing and raking the aura

Practitioner will use crystals and chakra healing wands, because we find these can enable healing or protect a home from negative energy.

People who receive Reiki describe it as "intensely relaxing."

Conditions that Reiki has been used to help treat include:


heart disease



chronic pain


neurodegenerative disorders


Crohn's disease

fatigue syndromes


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